Prepare for Your Hernia Consultation
Office Visit Consult
Our goal is to make your hernia experience as easy and smooth as possible. This starts with preparation. Our team may be reaching out to you to help gather any relevant data prior to your visit. Be sure to browse this website, talk to friends and have any questions or concerns handy on the day of your visit.
Telehealth Visit
Our goal is to make access easy and personalized. We are glad to offer telehealth visits or in-person, traditional visits. Often, we can proceed forward with surgery after a telehealth visit alone. However, in certain cases an in-person physical exam will be necessary prior to surgery.
Other Useful Info
Your previous medical and surgical history is very important to consider when planning for hernia repair. Important records include any CT scans, operative reports and surgical consults you have had in the past. Our staff can help gather these if you are having difficulty.
We encourage you to explore this website to learn more about your options for hernia repair. You can also complete the SCAFFOLD Guide and bring it with you to your appointment. This guide acts as a tool to help clarify your opinions on the shared decision making process and hernia repair.
We love to talk about hernias and your options. Please feel free to research more about hernias on this website, on the web, or by talking with your friends and family. Be sure to write down your questions so you don’t forget them at the time of your visit.

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