Erik Severson, MD
Orthopaedics, Hip Care, Knee Care
Phone Numbers
- Orthpaedics: 218-545-4475
Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Erik Severson has practiced at the Minnesota Center for Orthopaedics of Cuyuna Regional Medical Center in Crosby and Riverwood Healthcare Center in Aitkin since 2010. He has also served as the Center’s Total Joints Program Medical Director and has overseen the Rapid Recovery Program, a leading-edge joint replacement center.
The surgeon completed a fellowship with specialty training in hip and knee reconstruction and joint replacement surgery at the Mayo Clinic. He completed medical school at the University of Minnesota in Duluth where he was a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society and his residency and internship in orthopaedic surgery at the University of Utah. Dr. Severson received his undergraduate degree Magna Cum Laude from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio.
In addition to his practice, Dr. Severson has served as a volunteer administering Orthopaedic care and scoliosis screening for impoverished people in southern Utah and northern Arizona. He has also served as an active member of the Orthpaedic team at Hopital De Bienfaisance (Charity Hospital) Pignon, Haiti, for several years and coordinated sports teams for the area’s youth.
A member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Hip, Knee & Adult Reconstruction Evaluation Committee, Dr. Severson is also a member of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Alpha Omega Alpha, Alpha Chi Honor Society, and Catholic Medical Association.
Dr. Severson has received numerous honors and awards. As a medical student, he was elected Administrative Chief Orthopaedic Resident at the University of Utah; received the Lloyd W. Taylor Resident Research Award from the Western Orthopaedic Association and a Certificate of Appreciation from Le Comite Bienfaisance de Pignon. The surgeon was recognized with the Upjohn award for achievement in Microbiology and Immunology, G.H. and L.K. Williams Award, Upper-Class Leadership Award, and Upper-Class Science Award. He was a member of the Alpha Chi Honor Society and National Honor Society.
He was recently named a top orthopaedic surgery doctor by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. He is ranked first out of 12 providers in the area for repair of total knee joint arthroplasty and first out of eight providers in the area for total hip replacement.
Dr. Severson’s composite ranking score is 88 percent, translating to a letter grade of A in the Provider Ranking System which ranks providers by frequency of the services they perform. He is identified as a high performing medical provider in his medical specialty from CMS’s nine years of data up to and through 2020.
CMS serves the public as a trusted partner and steward, dedicated to advancing health equity, expanding coverage, and improving health outcomes. The complete listing is available here.
“Stepwise surgical correction of instability in flexion after total knee replacement.” Bone Joint J. 2014 Dec;96-B(12):1644-8. PMID:25452367
“The use of a modular titanium baseplate with a press-fit keel implanted with a surface cementing technique for primary total knee arthroplasty.” Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:972615. Epub 2014 May 14.
“No difference in 90-day complications between bilateral unicompartmental and total knee arthroplasty.” Am J Orthop. 2014 Feb;43(2):E30-3.
“Spinal fractures in recreational bobsledders: an unexpected mechanism of injury.” Evid Based Spine Care J. 2012 May; 3(2): 43–48.
“Total Knee Arthroplasty in Morbidly Obese Patients Treated With Bariatric Surgery: A Comparative Study.” J Arthroplasty. 2012 May 2. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 22554730.
“Ceramic-on-ceramic total hip arthroplasty in patients younger than 20 years.” J Arthroplasty. 2012 Feb;27(2):213-9. Epub 2011 Aug 9.
“Sequelae of Perthes disease: treatment with surgical hip dislocation and relative femoral neck lengthening.”J Pediatr Orthop. 2010 Dec;30(8): 758-66.
“Complex Achilles Reconstruction for Massive Soft Tissue Loss: Allograft, autograft and use of a temporary cement spacer.” Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 2010 Aug; 24(8): 78-80.
“Image-guided Total Knee Arthroplasty.” Minerva Ortop Traumatol. 2010 June; 61(3): 183-202.
“The Consequences of Malalignment: Few If Any-Affirms” Seminars in Arthroplasty. 2010 June; 21(2): 97-98.
“Discontinuation of Coumadin is Unnecessary in Total Knee Arthroplasty.” Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010 Jan; 468(1):120-6.
“Hip fractures in the elderly: timing when to get on and off the operating table.” Current Orthopaedic Practice. 2009 October; 20(5):490-493.
“Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty in Patients Age Seventy and Older.” Orthopedics. 2009 May;32:316. “Transverse Sternal Nonunion, Repair and Revision: A case report and review of the literature.” The Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care. 2009 May;66(5):1485-1488.
“Popliteus tendon release in the varus or neutral knee: prevalence and potential etiology.” Journal of Bone and Joint Surg Am. 2008 Nov;90(S) 4:40-6.
“Highly crosslinked polyethylene is safe for use in total knee arthroplasty.” Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2008 Nov;466(11):2806-12.
“Results of Bilateral Combined Hip and Knee Arthroplasty in Very Young Patients with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.” Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2008 March;128(3): 249-54.
“Total Knee Arthroplasty in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.” Journal of Bone and Joint Surg. Am., 2005 Jul;87: 1510 – 1514.
“Flexion and extension gap balancing in revision total knee arthroplasty.” Seminars in Arthroplasty, July 2003 (Vol. 14, Issue 3, Pages 159-163).
“Infection in revision total knee arthroplasty.” Seminars in Arthroplasty, July 2003 (Vol. 14, Issue 3, Pages 167-172).
“The infected Total Knee Arthroplasty.” Insall’s The Knee. 6th Edition, pending publication, Elsevier Publishing.
“Bilateral Unicompartmental Arthroplasty.” Berend’s Unicompartmental Arthroplasty.
“The infected Total Knee Arthroplasty.” Insall’s The Knee. 5th Edition, 2010, Elsevier Publishing.
“Posterior Cruciate Retaining Total Knee Arthroplasty.”Morrey’s Orthopaedic Text.
“Tibial Plateau Fractures.” Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Trauma. 4th Edition, 2010, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
“MIS TKA: new data.” Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Hip and Knee Reconstruction. 4th edition, 2010, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Abstracts and Presentations
“Rapid Recovery Protocol in Total Knee Arthroplasty.”Podium Presentation, paper 072, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2015 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
“Rapid Recovery Protocol in Total Hip Arthrplasty.”Poster Presentation, American Academy of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS), 2014 Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.
“Total Knee Arthroplasty in Morbidly Obese Patients Treated with Bariatric Surgery: A Comparative Study.”Podium Presentation, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2011 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
“Popliteus Tendon Release in the Varus or Neutral Knee: Incidence and Potential Etiology.” Scientific Exhibit SE29, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2008 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
“Comparison of Highly Cross-Linked Polyethylene With Standard Polyethylene in Total Knee Arthroplasty.”Scientific Exhibit SE28, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2008 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
“Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty In The Elderly.”poster number P569, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2007 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
“A Prospective Comparison Of Sequential Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty Under One Anesthetic Versus Unilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty In Patients 70 And Older.” Podium presentation. Western Orthopaedic Association, October 11-15, 2006.
“The Biologic Response to Orthopaedic Implants.” Salt Lake Orthopaedics, Salt Lake City, UT, Feb. 7, 2006.
“Association of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux with Exposure to Anhydrous Ammonia.” American Academy Meeting, Otolaryngology, September 21-24, 2003.