Mindfulness for Healthy Living and for Hot Flashes

While midlife can be a wonderful opportunity for a renewed “second adulthood” there are also often personal health concerns, aging parents, teenage children, work pressures and hormonal changes that can be very STRESSFUL!!! The problem with having high stress is it amplifies the negative path of oneʼs life which ultimately decreases day to day life satisfaction. This does not have to be the case. Enter... “MINDFULNESS”. Please, stay with me here. What is “mindfulness”? The medical website UpToDate defines mindfulness as a “purposeful, nonjudgmental attention to the present moment which is developed through meditation and other practices.” The idea is to identify a trigger that causes stress, negativity, depressive or ruminating thoughts AND to form behaviors to avoid negative, repetitive responses. There is a large body of medical data supporting mindfulness for mood, anxiety, hot flashes and sleep. We are fortunate to have many ways to access basic mindfulness instruction to live a healthier life. We have three excellent therapists at CRMC who offer mindfulness therapy. CRMC also sponsors the “Living Well” program which includes mindfulness information (registration is on the CRMC website). There are also several very good apps for mindfulness like Headspace, Calm, Insight Timer just to name a few. Really, one has nothing to lose in exploring this option toward healthier living.

Schedule An Appointment:
(218) 546-7462 or (888) 420-2778

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