Specialized field within internal medicine, focused on diagnosing and treating rheumatic diseases.
Helping You Live a Normal Life
Frequently Asked Questions
Evidence-based medical approaches in rheumatology have significantly improved outcomes, enabling patients to lead near-normal lives without disabilities.
What does a rheumatologist do?
Rheumatologists treat and diagnose rheumatic conditions, a group of more than a hundred autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases.
What are autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases?
The immune system serves as the body’s natural defense mechanism against illness and infection. When harmful organisms like bacteria or viruses invade, the immune system responds by initiating inflammation, a vital process that kickstarts healing. Symptoms like fever or redness and swelling around a wound are signs of inflammation.
However, in individuals with autoimmune diseases, the immune system malfunctions, mistaking healthy tissues for invaders and attacking them. This results in chronic inflammation, which characterizes autoinflammatory diseases, where the immune system targets healthy tissue.
What are common signs and symptoms of rheumatic diseases?
Autoimmune and autoinflammatory rheumatic diseases primarily impact the musculoskeletal system, comprising bones, connective tissue, joints, and muscles. However, these conditions can also affect various other parts of the body. Symptoms of rheumatic diseases can be intermittent, with periods of severe symptoms known as flare-ups.
Common signs and symptoms of these diseases include:
- Persistent fatigue
- Recurring fevers without an apparent cause
- Joint pain and stiffness
- Reduced appetite
- Muscle discomfort
- Breathing difficulties
- Skin problems, such as dryness, scaling, rashes, or sores
- Joint swelling
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