Depression and Mood Changes in Perimenopause


Can you relate to any ofthese symptoms?

  • feeling sad
  • loss of interest in activities
  • feeling on edge
  • difficulty concentrating
  •  problems remembering

If so, please know that you are not alone. Data shows that depression incidence spikes in the perimenopause years. What is currently a “hot topic” of study is why this is the case and how best to evaluate/treat this patient population. A panel of experts from both the North American Menopause Society and the National Network of Depression Centers and Mood Disorders task group have been doing just that: developing guidelines and best practice strategies for a better you.

Midlife depression has the signs of depression but mixed with menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, poor sleep, decreased libido and low energy. The change in oneʼs hormonal rhythms make mood changes more likely. Not only that but the perimenopause/menopause years often coincide with big life stressors such as caring for parents/adult children, diagnosis of new chronic medical problems, frustrations with body image/weight gain / oneʼs own mortality ,and balancing the different life demands. Letʼs be honest. It is really exhausting just to read this.

So, what is a person to do? As the old adage goes,”nothing changes if nothing changes.” Letʼs do something .... anything. Antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy with a mental health practitioner are first line treatments. Desvenlafaxine has been particularly studied in this age group. Estrogen itself is not FDA approved for mood disturbances but it definitely has an antidepressant effect in perimenopausal patients. What if someone doesnʼt want meds or therapy ? Then exercise is the answer with the most data. In addition, yoga and meditation are recommended particularly if there is an anxiety component. Healthy eating cannot be overemphasized. Junk in equals junk out. I know.. I am just the messenger but it is true.

So you have read another article... now what? Here are three things to change in the next 60 seconds with minimal energy :

  1. Vocalize your needs. What is it that you want? Journal it. Three things a night. Midlife is an excellent time to take yourself off of the back burner and move yourself up.
  2. Be persistent. Advocate for yourself and abandon being passive.
  3. Do something for someone else.

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(218) 546-7462 or (888) 420-2778

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